About us

Best Technology, Reliable Product MR INNOVATION

As a leading agricultural company, MR Innovation provides integral solutions for every stage of your crops, from sowing to harvesting. Our customized and sustainable products promote eco-friendly practices, enabling plants to reach their full potential in any soil and climate conditions.

With over a decade of experience and a global presence, we offer over 200 unique formulations of sustainable agricultural products that are guaranteed to meet our customers' demands.

We're committed to revolutionizing agriculture by promoting eco-friendly practices and utilizing proven techniques to ensure product quality.


Who we are

As a leading agricultural company, MR Innovation provides integral solutions for every stage of your crops, from sowing to harvesting. Our customized and sustainable products promote eco-friendly practices, enabling plants to reach their full potential in any soil and climate conditions.

John Kim


" Our mission is to revolutionize materials for the purpose of enhancing environmental sustainability and improving people's lives. We are committed to driving meaningful change while maintaining the highest ethical standards. "

Sangil Jang

Operation Director

Francis Nam

Technical Director
Production Manager

Jeewoon Kim

Production Manager
Quality Control Manager

Yunjae Lee

Quality Control Manager
Sales Manager

Daniel Kim

Sales Manager

Chiho Chun

Technical manager

Jaehun Kim

Technical Manager

ESG Management Statement

As a leading agricultural company, MR Innovation provides integral solutions for every stage of your crops, from sowing to harvesting. Our customized and sustainable products promote eco-friendly practices, enabling plants to reach their full potential in any soil and climate conditions.

Environmental Protection


We are deeply committed to the well-being of the planet

ISO 14001
  • Environmental Certification: ISO 14001

    We wholeheartedly embrace our responsibility to safeguard the planet, which is exemplified by our ISO 14001 environmental certification.
  • Energy Consumption

    Striving for optimal efficiency across all our operations, we are dedicated to minimizing our energy consumption and its subsequent environmental impact. Through our continuous efforts, we have successfully reduced our energy consumption to an impressive rate
Contribution and cooperation with society

Contribution and cooperation with society

We demonstrate our dedication to society through meaningful partnerships with NGOs and active participation in sector-specific associations

ISO 14001
  • Quality Certification: ISO 9001

    Quality is our priority, and to demonstrate this, we proudly hold the prestigious ISO 9001 certification. This externally verified quality management system enables us to establish rigorous internal controls and effective evaluation tools for our products and services. With a focus on continuous improvement, we actively identify and nurture initiatives that further enhance the overall excellence we deliver.
Community Outreach
Community Outreach
Community Outreach
Community Outreach
  • Community Outreach

    We regularly engage in charitable activities, supporting the local orphanage and hosting an annual donation bazaar event. Together, we make a positive impact and foster a compassionate community.
Human Resources and Occupational Safety

Human Resources and Occupational Safety

We take pride in creating high-quality, secure, and safe employment opportunities, promoting equality and providing equal treatment and opportunities for all.

ISO 14001
  • Family-friendly Welfare System Certification

    We regularly engage in charitable activities, supporting the local orphanage and hosting an annual donation bazaar event. Together, we make a positive impact and foster a compassionate community.
  • Gender Equality

    We prioritize gender diversity and equality in our workforce, with over 50% of our staff comprising women, ensuring they receive equal treatment and opportunities.

UN SDGs / Sustainable Development Goals

  • Zero Hunger

    - Our products increase the production of food crops, contributing to ending hunger and solving food security.

    - We promote sustainable agriculture by producing natural ingredients.

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    - We ensure a healthy life with eco-friendly crop production.

    - We promote the welfare of all generations by ensuring a healthy life by producing natural ingredients.

  • Quality Education

    - We aim to ensure quality education by helping our employees to participate in internal and external training programs.

  • Gender Equality

    - More than 50% of the employees are female, and the gender ratio of executives is equal.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    - We contribute to sustainable economic growth in the local community by considering and implementing various

    - welfare conditions to create decent jobs.

  • Climate Action

    - We prioritize the development of products that have minimal impact on climate change by developing environmentally friendly products.

  • Life Below Water

    - Our products are eco-friendly and contribute to minimizing the impact on the ocean, sea, and marine resources.

  • Life on Land

    - Our products are eco-friendly and contribute to minimizing the impact on the terrestrial ecosystem.